I am a freelance translator (English to Italian/Italian to English). I have extensive experience in audiovisual translations and academic texts but I'm now specialised in fiction translation, with a particular interest in Queer and LGBTQ+ fiction.
I'm working on a constantly growing portfolio of more personal and independent projects that can be found in the Home, Extracts and Forthcoming Works pages of this website.
I collaborate with Triskell Edizioni and have worked regularly with Dreamspinner Press.
See below for a list of some of my translation credits (including academic and A/V translations EN>IT and IT>EN)
Film and Television:
Venice Film Festival;
Turin Film Festival;
Rome Film Festival;
BBC Timewatch;
Ginger Television Production;
Rapido Broadcasting Company;
Channel Four.
Academic Translations:
Modern Italy (Taylor and Francis);
Penguin Books.
Maison des Ailleurs, Charleville-Mézières, France. © Cristina Massaccesi